Mushroom collector vindicated/Deutsche Pilzsammlerin erfolgreich in England
Frau Brigitte Tee-Hillman (64) ist in Deutschland geboren und lernte dort Pilze sammeln. Sie arbeitete als Stewardess, und seit ihrer Heirat lebt sie in England, in der New Forest. Seit 1973 sammelt...
View ArticleBodyleasing
Is this German or English? To quote J. Melchior in Wismar: Kollegen bieten das eBook Outsourcen und Bodyleasing – Rechtssichere Verträge mit freien Mitarbeitern” zum kostenlosen Download an. So weit,...
View ArticleDictionary of Austrian legal terminology/Wörterbuch der österreichischen...
Heidemarie Markhardt, who has been mentioned here before, has just published a dictionary of Austrian legal, economics and administrative terminology: Heidemarie Markhardt, Wörterbuch der...
View ArticleA word to the wise: Choose the right translator
This is the title of an article in the International Herald Tribune this weekend. Good advice in parts. I must quote the oddities, though: Professor Alain Thienot used translation software and found...
View ArticleTexas German/Texas-Deutsch
Annggargoon’s language of the week is North Texas German. Article in the Houston Times, and site of Texas German Dialect Project (TGDP) with sound clips. Texas German is a unique dialect of German that...
View ArticleDomestic violence/Gewalttätigkeit in der Familie
In English law, there is legislation on domestic violence (Oxford Law Dictionary: ‘Physical violence inflicted on a person by their husband, wife, or cohabitant’), for instance enabling a wife to get...
View ArticleGerman-Surinam Creole dictionary/Wörterbuch Deutsch-Suriname-Creole
Google Books reveals Wullschläger’s 1856 dictionary for missionaries (spotted by Trevor). I always find it bizarre to find German written in Fraktur and the other language not. jdn. als Koch anstellen:...
View review/Spannende Wochenendlektüre
From a review on (three stars out of five): Was mir jedoch nicht gefallen hat, ist der fürchterliche Schreibstil des Autors, der sich hinter dem Pseudonym “Gesetzgeber” versteckt (ich glaube,...
View ArticleBook on barristers’ clerks
One of the desirable jobs in the English legal world is that of the impresario-like figure of the barrister’s clerk. A clerk and his (are there any women?) assistants arrange the diaries of the...
View ArticleSandgrasnelke
This is a Sandgrasnelke which I photographed last Sunday. I don’t know what it is, except that it is a kind of pink or carnation and its leaves and stems are covered with wax to withstand a dry...
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